Somebody should tell us,
right at the start of our lives,
that we are dying.
Then we might live life to the limit,
every minute of every day.
Do it! I say.
Whatever you want to do, do it now!
There are only so many tomorrows.
Pope Paul VI
Lakeside Catholic Cemetery
County 18
Nevis, MN 56467
Lord God, whose days are without end and whose mercies beyond counting,
keep us mindful that life is short and the hour of death unknown.
Lakeside Catholic Cemetery, formerly called Immaculate Conception Lakeside Cemetery, was established in 1901. Lakeside is the active Catholic cemetery in Nevis and is maintained by Our Lady of the Pines.
The cemetery, in Hubbard County, is located on County Highway 18 next to the city's Lakeview Cemetery on Lake Belle Taine.
Half mile west of Nevis on County 18, on the west end of Lakeview, Nevis City Cemetery. |
If this is the sacred place of resting for you or your loved one, please
contact Our Lady of the Pines Parish office at (218) 652-4005.